Fee Structure

Application fee: RMB 400

Tuition fee

Chinese language study22,000

Accommodation fee (including water, gas and electricity)
Single CNY 50 /day

Double CNY 25 /day/bed

Teaching materials: about CNY 500

1. If there is any change about tuition and accommodations fees, students will be informed in advance by the School of International Education.
2. If students discontinue their schooling or are expelled from the university, their tuition fee for the term will not be refunded. If they resume their interrupted studies or register as a new student midway, they should pay full tuition fee for the term. The room fee is counted by day.
3. Students are expected to pay their tuition and room fee for one year at one time within one month after an academic year starts. If the students cannot pay fees on time, they may request for a delay no more than two months. However, they will have to pay 5% extra for the delay.
4. Those who do not pay their fees within one term will be expelled from the university.

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